Watch this short video to learn

How building your running fitness this autumn will set you up to run your best in London, or another marathon, next spring

start your marathon training journey TODAY!

Are you running your dream marathon sometime soon?

THEN IT'S TIME to get focused ... AND train!



PAY ATTENTION because this is important if you don't want to stay trapped running average for good!

Most people who dream of some day running a marathon face one major (hidden) obstacle that keeps their dream just beyond their reach.
What is it?
Well, before I tell you, let me ask you a question.
If you're struggling to get started training for your marathon ...

which of these apply to you?

You’re a plodder carrying a few pounds and don’t see yourself as a runner, and having secured your spot you’re feeling a fraud. So instead of telling everyone you're running the race, you’re hiding, not wanting to risk rude remarks from 'real runners' jealous at your luck of having secured a place to run …

You're confused by the hundreds of plans you’ve found on the web and have no idea which one you should use. You don’t want one that’s too easy or hard, too time consuming, or one jam-packed with confusing jargon that you give up on after a week, deciding to wing-it instead …

Your non-running friends have turned overnight into ‘elite coaching experts’. They’re bombarding you with their opinions on running and training.  Each time you think you’ve got it sorted another piece of well-meaning advice comes your way ...

Whilst you do want to finally run your dream marathon, you’re paralyzed by the fear of actually running that far and whether or not you’re going to make it to the start or finish-line of your once in a lifetime dream race!

You’re overwhelmed by what you don't know and the uncertainty that makes every decision feel like an “all or nothing” gamble, so you're putting off running and starting your training …

After reading that, how many of them ring-true for you?
Now you know why you’re feeling stuck and confused about your marathon … it’s because you’re approaching training for your marathon thinking you're Not A Real Runner!


you're not a real runner

A Casual Runner feels a running fraud, they feel they don’t deserve their place or entry into running their dream race.

A Casual Runner has sleepless nights worrying about plans, food, fundraising and runs. Wondering and worrying about whether they’re doing it all right. Constantly switching between programmes and plans, and faffing around on Facebook asking runner friends for advice they’ll never put into action.
And a Casual Runner is worried they’ve bitten off more than they can chew, that however hard they try or however much they train they’ll fail and look stupid to their family and friends.

Because if you're like most of the wishful first time marathoners I meet, the biggest HURDLE they face is in their head … It’s overcoming their belief that they’re not a Real Runner and having the confidence to KNOW that they WILL be able to run 26.2 miles in their dream marathon race 

and if that applies to you...

If you're like most struggling casual first and next-time marathoners, then chances are, you're thinking this way because you're scared of the unknown.
But that's ok! Running a marathon is hard, it’s an amazing experience that not many people on this planet HAVE ACHIEVED!
You're just a Casual Runner, and whilst you've got a dream, a wish, to run a marathon you don't consider yourself to be a Real Runner because in your head you don’t think you look like a runner, you don't run particularly fast and you (definitely) don’t wear crop-tops and skimpy knickers out running in your local park! 
Just think about it … Do all runners look like whippets racing around a track? NOOOOO!!!!
So if thinking those Casual Runner thoughts are stopping you starting your training, it’s time to ditch those thoughts ... or stay stuck, dreaming, wishing and procrastinating about running your dream marathon forever!

What's Going to Happen to you on race-day

If You DON'T Start Training Like a Real Runner?

You don’t want to hit the wall at the half-way point, because you’ve not focused on running with fuel.

A Rockstar Runner researches training programmes and plans that are right for them, makes sure the plan they pick fits with their lifestyle and will help them train hard to meet their goals.
They follow their plans through the weeks of training, rather than dipping in and out, trying different types of running every time someone suggests doing something new.
They seek advice and support from a coach, rather than non-runner friends or their new-found running buddies in their phone on Facebook.
And they make social-life sacrifices and prioritise their training to be sure of race-day success!

A Rockstar Runner researches training programmes and plans that are right for them, makes sure the plan they pick fits with their lifestyle and will help them train hard to meet their goals.
They follow their plans through the weeks of training, rather than dipping in and out, trying different types of running every time someone suggests doing something new.
They seek advice and support from a coach, rather than non-runner friends or their new-found running buddies in their phone on Facebook.
And they make social-life sacrifices and prioritise their training to be sure of race-day success!

You don’t want to pull up puking from eating one too many gels.

Or stagger and collapse at the finish-line and get carried off by medical crew.

or worse ... get injured training

because you did your own thing and had to pull out from the race!

a real runner trains very differently from a STRUGGLING CASUAL runner ...

A Real Runner researches training programmes and plans that are right for them, makes sure the plan they pick fits with their lifestyle and will help them train hard to meet their goals.
They follow their plans through the weeks of training, rather than dipping in and out, trying different types of running every time someone suggests doing something new.
They seek advice and support from a coach, rather than non-runner friends or their new-found running buddies in their phone on Facebook.
They make social-life sacrifices and prioritise their training to be sure of race-day success!
And they start preparations for their training as soon as they enter their race!

Real Runners believe they'll achieve

They're are not super speedy, skinny whippets obsessed with Strava segments and stats, they’re just normal people who like running.  They're runners just like you, but they have the confidence, focus and surety that they’ll train well and succeed!


When you kick thinking that you’re Not A Real-Runner to the curb and start training like a Real Runner, you’ll get totally clear on what you need to do to get trained, ready and be fully prepared to run the marathon of your dreams.
You’ll be able to focus your time and energy on running, cut out running endless junk-miles, prioritise your training to runs that improve your running strength, stamina and speed and gets results.

You’ll crush your goals, run faster, further and easier than you ever thought possible!

that's exactly what I'm here to help you do!

that's exactly what I'm here to help you do!

that's exactly what I'm here to help you do!

Help you to STEP UP TO BECOME a Real Runner far quicker and easier than you ever could on your own!

Because Making That Change on Your Own

is far harder than you think!

It seems like a prettystraightforward, doesn't it?
Download a training plan from the Internet, lace up your trainers, get outside and run.

You’re a Real Runner and great racing results are going to be easy to get, right?

💥 BOOM!!! 💥

Unfortunately … NOt!


Training for a marathon is a little more complicated than that!
Let me explain what I mean … and why training for a marathon involves more than just running.
Everyone knows how to run. Right? But how come so many runners know this, yet struggle in their race or have to pull out injured ahead of the day?  

Each year around 56,000 runners get entry into London Marathon, yet only 42,000 make it to the start line. 25% of runners don’t make it to run their raceThose runners will have started out with the intention to train hard to run the race, but a large majority of the runners who don’t make it will have been hit by injury at some point through training, injury so bad they had to pull out from the race.


Plan not working, not getting you running fast as you want? Find another.
Speed-work leaving you stiff and a little bit sore? Give up.
Not losing weight? Start another crash diet.
Work-out programme not cutting it?  Find another gym. 
It’s an exhausting and endless journey of running more and trying harder.  But the results never change.

So here’s the million dollar question …


the answer

3-Essentials to Marathon Training Success

Because training to run a marathon involves more than just running

If you want to run your best on race-day you need to start NOW and change the way you approach your training, focusing on the 3-Essentials to Marathon Training Success to build your running confidence, fitness and strength.
Want to know what they are and how I will help you make that transformation to your training …

INTRODUCING marathon club hub INTEGRATED training programme

MARATHON CLUB HUB isn’t just another MARATHON TRAINING PLAN like others you’ll find on the Internet.

... It’s a is a virtual running & training club, packed full of TRAINING advice and tips ...

for casual runners who have a

marathon running dream

Inside Marathon Club Hub I will support you and give you all the critical information and advice you need to get trained, ready and prepared to run your first or next marathon.
Without getting injured, putting on weight worrying how you’re ever going to fund your charity race place!

inside marathon club hub hub you'll get

Running Plans plus advice on how to get the most out of your runs, so that you’re running better, faster and physically fitter to take on running your dream marathon.



Conditioning Workouts to help you running strong and with good form, so you become a more resilient runner to help keep niggles and injuries away.

An Aligned Nutrition Programme to ensure you've got enough energy to run and help you recover after, without putting on weight through your training



Our Mental Strength Programme to keep you engaged and focused through training and build your mental resilience for race-day.


Weekly Workshops for essential advice on how to train well, eat right, run strong, fundraise and get ready and prepared for race-day.


its time to transform

2020 Virtual London Marathon first-time runner

Joining Marathon Club Hub was the best decision I made to train for my first marathon

Just like it’s done for these Real Runners I’ve worked with in the past ...

Having never run before applying for a place to run London Marathon 2020, I was concerned whether I had what it takes to run the full marathon distance.
I knew nothing about the different types of running that would help my training, how to fuel my funs and even what to expect when running alongside thousands of other runners on race-day!
Joining Marathon Club Hub was the best decision I made. The group was like my own little support network throughout my training.
I loved our coaching calls. Helen is so supportive and informative that I come away believing more and more in my ability to run!
I’ve learnt so much by being a member of Marathon Club Hub that I don’t want to let go of this newfound self-belief. I’m therefore determined to enter more races, whether this means running in a race or running virtual races for the time being.

When you join Marathon Club Hub you'll get instant access to our Running, Conditioning and Diet & Nutrition Programmes that’ll transform your training ... taking you from struggling, feeling nervous, stuck and unsure about how you’re ever going to train for your marathon ... to the confident Real Runner that get’s the race-day results she wants!  

just follow the STEP BY STEP programme ...

it's that simple!

SEE what's waiting for you inside

once you become a member…


3 Essentials for Marathon Training Success

Running Programme

get your running right!

To give marathon training your best shot you need to follow a structured training plan that starts your running from where you are now and builds gradually over time to improve your running fitness, strength, stamina and speed so come race-day you’re ready to run your marathon. 
Lots of first and next-time marathoners think plans are not for them, they’re not ‘good enough’ runners, their lives are too chaotic so decide that ‘winging it’ is the best way they’ll get ready for their race. But winging it isn’t the best way to get results!
First-time ‘wingers’ often get injured, lose motivation and then mad with themselves after, as they know they didn’t do themselves justice in their ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ dream race.
The training plans in Marathon Club Hub are for new runners, first-timers and improvers, they’re are ‘jargon-free’ and with just 3 focused runs each week are designed to fit with busy and sometimes chaotic lives.
You’ll be running less than some plans you’ll come across, but these plans get results because you’ll be focused, challenging yourself in your training, pushing yourself (just) beyond your comfort zone, so you’re continually improving to build your running fitness, strength, stamina and speed.


2021 London Marathon first-time runner

I love having a plan that I understand and can follow, it removes the reasons to skip a run.
The training plans in Marathon Club Hub are simple to follow, effective and cater for everyone joining the group, whether they’re an experienced or completely new runner.
I’m now aware of the different types of ‘runs’ in marathon training and the importance of practicing them all regularly. I love the variety the different runs and the improvements they’ve made to my cardio fitness and speed. I feel much stronger on my longer runs and I’ve found a new love of running up hills!

In our PRE-training programme you'll get


Form Your Foundation Training In this training programme first you will learn how to run each type of training run, runs to improve your fitness, endurance & stamina, strength and speed, so you’ll get the best ‘training hit’ from each run as you train. 
Then train with our 10k PB Buster Plan, which will challenge you with fast paced running workouts to start to improve your running fitness and bring 'zip' to your running.  You'll then move to our Half Smasher Plan which will introduce longer runs in your training. With this programme you’ll train hard and with focus to build your running strength and fitness to set you up for the final 16 weeks of training before your race. 

OR ...
New Runner QuickStart Plan If you’re not yet a runner, or you’ve not done much recently this plan will start you running from scratch. Over 8 weeks you’ll gradually build up your running to run your first 5k, then 10k to set you up to train to run your first marathon race.

2021 Virtual London Marathon first-time runner

I love the structure of Marathon Club Hub and that you progressed gradually, rather than having to do really hard or long runs right from the start.
Before joining Marathon Club Hub, my running was a bit sporadic and I didn't have plan for how to progress. I would go out for a run when I fancied and all of my running was 'easy', I never did speed work or hills.
The guidance in Marathon Club Hub is fantastic, Helen keeps you focused and accountable and is supportive if you are doubting yourself or struggling.
I didn’t always enjoy every run, but I certainly felt the benefits and never regrated doing a run.



then In the marathon training programme you'll get

Full Marathon Training Plan   We have 2 levels of training plan for you depending upon your level of running experience and strength. These plans will take you from regularly running 10k's or halves, to running your full marathon confident and strong.
PLUS ...
Recovery Plan  This is a 4-week recovery plan, that’ll gradually ease you back into running and then training after your race.



Integrated with the Running Programme ...

Your Conditioning Programme

to help keep injury free!

Marathon training puts immense stress and strain on your body and many runners who enter marathons don’t make it to the start, due to injury. 

A lot of running injuries are due to poor running form, doing too much too soon, or ignoring strength and conditioning work.
When you join Marathon Club Hub you'll get guidance on how to run with good form and strength and conditioning workouts to help build you into a strong, stable and resilient runner to help prevent niggles and injuries that are all too common amongst first-time marathon runners.


2021 Virtual London Marathon first-time runner

I didn’t realise how much I would actually enjoy the weekly conditioning workouts.
Yes, I could have done more. Life can get in the way, but Helens workouts can fit around any kind of work or family life.

In your conditioning programme you'll get

Stretching for Flexibility & Mobility Plan Running causes your muscles to become ‘knotted’, short and tight. Including flexibility & mobility exercises into your week will help you to have supple, flexible muscles that can reduce your risk of injury, lead to fewer aches and pains and help you run with better posture and balance which will lead to improved performance.
Strength Conditioning Plan Strength training for runners isn’t just about building big muscles (which actually is harder than most people think!) but building strength in your mover muscles and doing muscle-strengthening workouts that target all of your major muscle groups (legs, back, chest, etc.).Your Strength Plan will focus on building strong ‘mover’ muscles that will improve your running power, running strength and speed. 
Core Conditioning Plan It’s important when you’re running lots and especially training for a marathon that you run with good running form. Your ‘core’ (a set of muscles deep in your body that support your torso) needs to be strong to help you run upright and tall and with good form, but too often our ‘core’ muscles are weak from too much sitting down and our sedentary lifestyles.  Your Core Conditioning Plan will work to strengthen your core muscles which will help reduce the risk of injury as your training and running ramps up.




2021 London Marathon first-time runner

The conditioning work in Marathon Club Hub has helped correct imbalances in my body.
I feel I now run with more strength and better running form.



2021 London Marathon first-time runner

Working on my core and leg strength, and making sure I always did the post run stretches, has really helped reduce the joint and muscle aches and pains that I experienced previously.

supported by ...

Our Aligned Eating Programme


Training for a marathon isn’t just about running, and it’s not just about running and conditioning, and spending all of your time running more and more, without focusing on the other essentials to marathon training success, isn’t going to guarantee you the results that you want in your marathon. 

What those runners who consistently achieve their running goals don’t tell you is that, alongside investing in a coach, they’ve also overhauled their diet.
Runners find that making changes to their diet doesn’t just help them lose weightbut more importantly it means they can run with more energy, run faster in their short hard training runs and run stronger in their weekly long runs and recover quicker, from the hard running workouts and long runs they’re doing.


Advice on What Foods To Eat, and what to avoid, to so you can power through your training with energy and give you some of my favourite marathon training recipes.

You’ll create Meal Plans for the critical weeks of training, so your diet, the meals and snacks you eat each day, aligns with the running and training you’re doing.

Plus, you’ll get help to work out How Much to Eat, so you can avoid putting on weight through marathon training.




I was anti-carb and had got caught up thinking I needed more protein in my diet.  Understanding how this wasn’t going to give me energy for my running really helped me make better food decisions. Eating good food, and more of it, meant I wasn’t looking for a sugar rush for energy to always fuel my running.

I love Helen’s approach - that no food is off-limits, but diet as a whole should be balanced, nourishing and fit with your life. I’ve noticed a huge difference. My cravings for sweets have almost disappeared, I’m much more satisfied after meals and more in control, resisting sugary binges.

I’ve now got a much clearer idea about the best foods to eat to keep my weight under control and keep my energy levels up through training. It’s become a habit to check my plate for the right balance, and to make good, or at least better, choices.”


I created Marathon Club Hub to be the easiest way for first and next-time marathoners go from couch to marathon – from nervous and unsure to unstoppable!
But I also created it to be the most supportive running programme for runners just like you. So that’s why Marathon Club Hub includes weekly live group coaching and training modules supported by cheat-sheets, checklists and coaching notes.
Got a question? Doubts? Uncertainties? Struggles, losing motivation or your mojo to run?

Here’s a Quick Rundown of Coaching Calls Coming Up:

Set GOALS for your running and for marathon-day SUCCESS!

In this call you'll set goals for your marathon and for each stage of your marathon training journey.At the end of this workshop as well as goals, you'll have worked out WHY you want to run a marathon, which will help keep you focused through training and on race-day itself.

Understand your Training JOURNEY & learn about your runs

In this call I'll explain about your marathon training journey, from now until race day, as well as the different types of running workouts you’ll do through the Pre-Training Programme and how to run them for best training results.  


In this call you'll find out why it's important to warm-up and cool down after running.  You'll also learn about what mobilisation exercises to do before running and stretches to do after your runs.

Learn about critical CONDITIONING to keep injury free

Too many runners get injured training for their first marathon. Many injuries are caused by weaknesses in the body and could be avoided by conditioning work. In this call I explain how including conditioning alongside your running can help you become a stronger, balanced and injury resilient runner and what exercises to focus on through training.

Understand how to run with GOOD running FORM

Discover how to EAT RIGHT for your running

Watch runners in your local park and you’ll see them running different styles. Running with poor form you’re putting stress on your body which could lead to injury and expensive physio bills. In this call I'll be explaining about why running with good form is so important and give you some tips to improve your running style for your marathon training.

You are what you eat and you can’t out-run a bad diet. In this call I'll introduce you to my 5 food fundamentals for marathon training success and coaching you in how to eat right for your marathon training.

Discover how to EAT RIGHT to fuel long runs

It’s critical to learn to eat and drink for energy and hydration on your long runs. In this call I'm coaching you in how to eat right to fuel your long runs, including what to eat to load up on energy beforehand and how to correctly fuel your long runs. If you're struggling and running out of energy on your long runs this is the critical workshop for you.

Learn how to get your LONG RUNS right

Lots of first and next-time marathon runners compromise their training by not running their long runs right, so don’t ‘train’ their bodies in the best way to run an endurance race. In this call, I'll coach you in how to get your long runs right to get the maximum benefit from the long runs in your training.


2021 London Marathon first-time runner

There are so many great things about Marathon Club Hub. The amount of advice that is given is amazing and so informative. Everything is explained and easy to understand.
The coaching calls are brilliant, they’re upbeat, informative and fun. I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and between the calls and the extra videos and worksheets online, I got all the help and tips I needed to improve.

But that's not all...

The Real “Secret Sauce”

THAT MAKES marathon club hub much, much more!

There are lots of plans and coaching programmes out there that promise the same kinds of results as Marathon Club Hub.
Maybe you’ve downloaded a few free plans from the Internet or signed up to a few programmes only to be disappointed.
The truth is few, if any of them, can deliver like Marathon Club Hub does for one simple reason:


“The changes I made following your advice were nothing drastic, but made all the difference on the day.” I was struggling with my long runs and almost passed out once. My fuelling on long runs wasn’t right and I was worried I’d do the same in my marathon.   We worked on my nutrition and fuelling approach for the marathon. What I should eat and when, before and during the race.  I had a great run in NYC. It was tough but I ran strong right to the line.

“I went from ‘rabbit in the headlights, I am not ready’, to feeling calm, focused and ready to run!”
When I entered my first marathon I was in panic-mode.  Helen coached me on how to prepare, gave me ideas for my diet and mindset tricks to use during the race. We worked on what to eat through race week, about race day food, hydration and pacing; everything I needed to get me as race ready as possible.  



2018 Liverpool Marathon first-time runner

2018 NYC Marathon first-time runner


I Have Some Extra

“Goodies” for You

The Running Plans, Conditioning Workouts and weekly Coaching Calls you’ll get when you join Marathon Club Hub will completely transform how you approach your running and your marathon training journey.  But that’s only the start!
Because as a member of Marathon Club Hub you get a heap of AMAZING BONUSES to make your training journey even easier.




... It’s a is a virtual running & training club, packed full of juicy advice and tips ...

for completely new runners who want to start running and have a dream to run a marathon IN THE NEXT 6 - 12 MONTHS

Inside New Runner QuickStart I will support you and give you all the critical information and advice you need to get started on your running journey.
Without getting injured, putting on weight or worrying how you’re ever going to find time to fit everything into your already busy life!

inside new runner quickstart you'll get

A New Runners Running Plan plus advice on how to build up your running fast to run your first 5k


New Runner Conditioning Workouts to help you running strong and with good form, so you become a more resilient runner to help keep niggles and injuries away



Coaching Workshops for essential advice on how to train well, eat right and run strong for New Runners

QuickStart to Marathon Training Success



Imagine just how much easier it will be to train for your marathon when you know exactly what you need to do, when you need to focus and why training for a marathon isn’t just about running!
QuickStart to Marathon Training Success is your guide to getting started on your marathon training journey WITHOUT confusion or overwhelm.
I’ve taken the hard work and heavy lifting out of learning what you need to do to get trained, ready and prepared to run your first or next marathon race! This guide explains the 6 Essentials to Marathon Training Success that will allow you to take action and see results in less time than you’ll likely spend scrolling social media each day.

quickstart to marathon training success includes modules ...

Essential #1: Ramp Up Your Running I’ll explain your marathon training journey, the format and structure running plans and critically how to run each run in your plan right, so you get value from each and every minute running.

Essential #2: Conditioning to Keep Injury Free, I’ll explain why including conditioning exercises in your training is so critical to help keep you injury-free through your training, as well as the best exercises to include in your week.

Essential #3: Eat Right for Running, I’ll explain why having a good healthy diet is essential to support your marathon training and give you my 5 food fundamentals for marathon training success.

Essential #4: Fabulous Fundraising.  If you’re running your marathon for a charity you’ll probably have a hefty fundraising target. In Fabulous Fundraising I’ll guide you on fundraising initiatives for each season, so you don’t have to rely on sponsorship and donations to hit your target.

Essential #5: Manage Your Motivation.  Training for a marathon can seriously drain your mojo to run. In Manage Your Motivation I’ll give you tips to ‘pace’ your training as well as advice on managing that little voice in your head that screams “STOP” when it’s cold, dark or you’re exhausted and just don’t want to run.

Essential #6: Prepare for Race-Day, I’ll give you tips to help you plan and prepare well in advance, so there are no nasty surprises or panics on the day.



Fabulous Fundraising Ideas Workshop

Are you worried about hitting your fundraising target?

This is exactly why you’re getting my complete Fabulous Fundraising Training, the exact same training I gave to Virgin Money Giving London Marathon Runners, plus 25+ Fabulous Fundraising Ideas CheatSheet, so you can plan fundraising events to raise even more money for your chosen charity!



Yoga for Runners Programme

🌟 Exclusive Yoga for Runners Programme 🌟

Yoga for Runners brought to you by Sam Edwards, founder of CORE Yoga.
As a runner, triathlete PT and running coach Sam knows only too well the pressures runners put their bodies under to train to run marathons.
Sam has designed this 4-part Yoga for Runners programme exclusively for members of Marathon Club Hub to build strength and resilience in their bodies to help them keep injury-free through training.



Prepare to Train for Your Marathon

* Special VIP Coaching Bonus

the start Every FIRST-TIMER Needs

Join our BONUS Prepare to Train for Your Marathon coaching workshop, guaranteed to put your mind at ease and get your most pressing marathon training questions answered!
You WANT to make sure you’re training effectively ... but really don’t have a clue on how your plan will work or how you’re going to organise your time. ...or maybe you’ve struggled, running out of energy on some of your long runs … or had sleepless nights panicking about a previous marathon or half marathon race.  
Or this is your very first marathon, or even race, that you’re going to train for and you have no idea on what to do and when, and what to expect.
In this bonus coaching, I’ll explain and help you get started on your marathon training journey trained, ready and prepared to run!


Integrated Training ProgrammeI’ll explain all about the Marathon Club Hub Integrated Training Programme, the journey you’re embarking on and phasing your marathon training programme, so you know when to push and know why it’s sometimes best to backing off.
Aligned Eating ProgrammeYou can’t out-run a bad diet. I’ll explain how our Aligned Eating Programme will give you advice on what to eat and what to avoid, plus help you work out how much to eat through your training, so you’re eating for energy and not putting on tons of weight through your marathon training.
Mental Strength ProgrammePlus I’ll explain why we have a Mental Strength Programme that will help build your mental resilience for marathon training and for race-day itself and help you set goals for your training and your race.



Eat Right for Running Meal Plan Programme*

* Exclusive Marathon Club Hub VIP Bonus

Having a good healthy diet is essential to support your marathon training. You are what you eat, and your running performance and recovery depends upon how you feed and fuel your body.
A lot of new marathoners see training as a great way to burn calories and lose weight. Think again! 
A study of US charity marathon runners found that only 11% lost weight through 16 weeks of training (and another 11% gained!).
To avoid piling on the pounds you'll get advice on the best diet and nutrition to support your training. You’ll learn how what and when to eat, without dieting or restricting your food, to support your training and make sure you can recover from your runs for results.

four 7-day eat right for running meal plans


Eat Right For Running 7-Day Meal Plan

Your Eat Right For Running 7-Day Meal Plan will reset your diet for balanced healthy eating for your running.


Eat Right As Your Running Ramps Up 7-Day Meal Plan

The Eat Right As Your Running Ramps Up 7-Day Meal Plan to help you eat right to give you the energy you need for your training as your running ramps up through the mid part of your marathon training plan, so you avoid ‘runger’, without risking putting on weight.


Eat Right For Race Week 7-Day Meal Plan

Your Eat Right For Race Week 7-Day Meal Plan to help you eat right through race-week, including ideas for race-week ‘carb-loading’ to ensure you’ve loaded up your body with energy for your race.


Eat Right for Recovery 7-Day Meal Plan

The Eat Right For Recovery 7-Day Meal Plan to help your body recover and recuperate from long runs and your race.


our Members-Only Community

Real Runners in a Supportive Community

If you're like me, then you know training to run a marathon, when none of your friends are runners, can be lonely ... trying to figure out everything on your own, with nowhere to go and no one to talk to when you have questions or doubts.
Joining Marathon Club Hub you'll surround yourself with an amazing support network. One that answers your questions, picks you up when you’re down, and gives you the kick you need to get out the door when you don't feel like running and the motivation you need to stay on track and focused on working towards your goals.

“Marathon Club Hub has given me my confidence back”

Before I got a place to run London Marathon for charity my running was a bit ad-hoc. I ran on a treadmill and ran parkruns, just trying to run without really knowing what I was doing. When I got my place I realised I needed to ‘get serious’ about my training, so joined Marathon Club Hub.
The positivity that Helen exudes is just brilliant, and she’s inclusive, which was one of the most important things for me. Being a snail (or sloth) runner I’m never going to be winning anything, but I felt comfortable and supported by Helen and the group, unlike other running groups I had joined, where I was made to feel like an outsider and ‘not a real runner’.
Training with Marathon Club Hub my times have been improving, and I feel so much better, fitter, healthier and happier. I went from running the Brighton Half Marathon last year in just over 3 hours, to running it in 1hr 55 this year, and this years Virtual London Marathon I ran in 4:03, which was more than 4 hours faster than I completed the distance last year!
When I first started running, I was fat shamed by people and just wanted to cover up. Training with Marathon Club Hub has given me my confidence back. When I ran my last half … I wore ‘short’ shorts and a sleeveless vest top and just felt fantastic, and couldn’t care less about anyone else!


2020 & 2021 Virtual and 2022 London Marathon runner

“What Helen doesn’t know about running a marathon isn’t worth knowing!”


I asked for help after getting a ballot place to run London Marathon in 2019. I was new to running and found everything I Googled confusing. I was really anxious as I’d never ran a marathon before.
I was confused about running plans, pace, what food I should be eating, warming up, cooling down, pretty much everything!  Instead of feeling stressed and anxious, after coaching I was excited and felt confident in my plan, training and running the marathon itself. What Helen doesn’t know about running isn’t worth knowing!   Thank you so much Cheesecake Runner! x

2019 London Marathon first-time runner


Marathon Club Hub is Definitely NOT for Everyone

Our members say Marathon Club Hub is the most complete, comprehensive way to get trained ready and prepared to run a marathon.

If you’re looking for a "magic potion" or a “get-fit-quick” plan to get you around your race, Marathon Club Hub is not for you.  If ...


You’re set in your ways and not willing to make changes to your lifestyle to run.

You’re looking for a quick fix and want to run fast and far without putting in any effort to get fit.
You think you know everything there is to know about running, and don’t think you could benefit from an experienced and knowledgeable team behind you.
You have medical issues and your doctor doesn’t advise running.
You think you can get running and keep motivated all through training alone, without some 'let's do this' guidance, support and advice.





Then Marathon Club Hub isn’t for you.  But if ...


You are determined to get fit, train hard and are committed to the journey.
You want a toolbox of simple, powerful actions that’ll get you going, keep you motivated and on track with your training
And you want to FINALLY get fit, get focused and get ready to train run the race that’s been your dream next year




"I absolutely LOVE the Marathon Club Hub approach, the programme covers ALL bases, the must haves for any first-time time marathon runner."


Brighton Marathon 2022 & Manchester Marathon 2023

If that sounds like you, and you’re finally willing  to make a commitment to yourself and your dreams, I promise you MARATHON CLUB HUB is your best path to success!


Have you ever had one of those gym memberships that seemed impossible to cancel?

You ask at the front desk, fill in a form, search for the button on their website, email the team and hear NOTHING?

I've been there too!  It's maddening!

But listen...

Nothing Will Work For You If You Do Nothing!

I’m promising you the easiest path to getting trained ready and prepared to fulfilling a life-long dream … running a marathon
But you have skin in this game too. You have to do the work. And if you’re not willing get running, keep running and train hard, you’ll be wasting both our time.


If you’re committed to taking action, and you're not getting results

You can cancel your membership anytime, no questions asked

With Marathon Club Hub there's no contract or long-term commitment

If Marathon Club Hub doesn’t work for you or you are not 100% satisfied with the training plans, coaching support, advice, and the results you’re seeing … or if you ultimately decide running a marathon is not your dream, you may cancel your membership at ANY TIME.
No Questions Asked!

so let's sum it up...

You join the programme for a month:
If you’re not absolutely amazed with the results you get with your running…

Simply cancel at any time from inside your membership dashboard or email me directly at at any time to cancel, no questions asked (but of course, I hope you won’t)!
If that’s not fair, I don’t know what is.

So… with your running success all but guaranteed, you’re probably wondering…

Just how much is this?

Marathon Club Hub may not be free, but following the programme will get the results you want.  It’s not some freebie training plan you download from the internet, that may, or may not be the right one for you.

What would it mean to you to finally achieve your marathon running dream?

I bet you’d do anything to cross the finish-line of your first marathon feeling fabulous, on top of the world and running strong!
You could hire a Personal Trainer or Coach to help you get results. The going rate for a coach is £50 - £75 per hour and if you really want to get results, you’d need to see her maybe 3 times a week, that works out at £600 - £900 per month. Over the course of 16 week of marathon training that would cost you £2,400 - £3,600 and if you’re a new runner training over 6 months or more you’d be looking to spend even more!
I could easily charge £3,000+ for what’s included in Marathon Club Hub, because Marathon Club Hub is more than just a running and conditioning programme. But no, it’s not £3,000 or even £1,000. Heck, it’s not even £100.

You can join Marathon Club Hub TODAY for just £79 £52 per month! [67 USD]

And when you weigh all that against the investment and what it will do for you and your future, then it's an easy choice.

What else could you buy for £12 / WEEK to achieve a life-long dream?

"On running days, I feel like there is nothing at all that I can’t achieve!"

Before I joined Marathon Club Hub a 200m ‘jog’ with my little boy to the post box on the corner was a huge struggle for me!
The Marathon Club Hub New Runner Quick Start Programme was absolutely perfect for me. It was realistic and steady, all the while progressing and building up. I found it worked me hard, but I didn’t find it hard work as such and I looked forward to my next running day!
I love the support that Marathon Club Hub provides. I didn’t want to join a running club, but the community of this virtual running club is amazing and incredibly supportive.
I am so proud of myself, that I can ACTUALLY RUN and in doing so, I am showing my children a new version, a new example of their Mum. This Mum absolutely can … and is!!


2021 London Marathon first-time runner

"If you are thinking of joining Marathon Club Hub don’t hesitate. Jump in and enjoy every single run!”

When I first got accepted to run the London Marathon, my first thoughts were “Why did I enter?” and “How am I ever going to run a marathon!”. But then I found Helen and the Marathon Club Hub programme.
When I joined Marathon Club Hub, I had no idea how to train to run a marathon. But once I got started and learned how to train properly, I fell in love with it. My running has completely changed. I can’t wait to get out running and while I’m running it just seems effortless.
Through training I broke my 5k and half marathon PBs and finally I smashed London, running it in 3.33! I truly believe that was down to Helen’s coaching. Thank you!


2021 London Marathon first-time runner


When you join Marathon Club Hub you get instant access to the Running, Conditioning and Diet & Nutrition Programmes that’ll transform your training, taking you from struggling and feeling nervous, stuck and unsure about how you’re ever going to train for your marathon to the confident Real Runner that get’s the race-day results she wants! (Value: Priceless!)

ALL Plus you get my proven step-by-step 3-Essentials for Marathon Training Success Guides! (Value: £300)
Weekly Workshops for essential advice on how to train well, eat right, run strong, fundraise and get ready and prepared for race-day (Value £1,000)
Group Coaching to answer your questions, clear up doubts and keep you motivated and on track. (Value: £500)
Plus you’re getting FIVE Additional Bonus Bundles! (Value: £343)


(£2,143 to be exact)

So Now It’s Time for You to Make One of Two Choices...

The first choice is to do your own thing.
Run enthusiastically for the next few weeks, then stop.  Before launching yourself with gusto this summer into the marathon plan you found from the Internet, then struggle with training runs that are too tough and give you niggles that just won't go away.  Winging-it for a few more weeks, getting more and more frustrated with yourself at the training time you lost faffing around at the start, wishing you’d got serious with your training earlier, from our Marathon Training Programme … and now it’s all too late!
But if you already know that you want to run your best in your first marathon later this year then your choice is obvious.
Join us inside Marathon Club Hub and start your training transformation to becoming the Real Marathon Runner you know you were always meant to be.

Simply click the button below and I’ll be waiting for you on the inside!



But if you’re still on the fence, wondering whether to take the leap, thinking …
“It all sounds great, but I just don’t have the money, energy or time right now” ...


Are you really committed to realising your marathon running dream?

Are you ready to go all-in, train hard, push yourself beyond where you’ve ever pushed yourself before to achieve something that most wouldn’t even get off the couch to start?

Or in choosing the free plan and ‘winging it’ are you just preparing yourself for the inevitable excuses you’ll make … “I was too tired” … “It was too hot, too windy, wet or cold” … “My bra hurt and my shorts chaffed my bits” … “The gels made me ill” … “I tripped over and fell” …
When you fall short of achieving your marathon running dream?

Success always finds a way!

“I’ve now achieved something that I dreamed of as a young child – and now I’m 50!”

I joined Marathon Hub Club to help me train for the 2020 Virtual London Marathon. I was losing motivation, finding running and training so difficult on my own.
I loved the structure of Marathon Club Hub. The programme, the weekly challenges, the online support, Helen’s unwavering optimism and encouragement and the other runners in our group who were just like me and so less intimidating than seasoned runners in other groups.
I'd never run anywhere before I started training for London, and now I’ve run a marathon! This wouldn’t have happened without Marathon Club Hub.


2020 Virtual London Marathon first-time runner

But CHOOSE Quickly!

Because the enrolment period to Marathon Club Hub won’t be open for long …
The clock is ticking ... This is your chance to get in to build your base running fitness NOW, so you can train to run your best race!

You’ll miss out on the chance to transform yourself, your running and your life.

You can choose to transform your running and training, to get amazing race-day results from joining us today.
Or you could do nothing, attempt to train your own way, winging it for weeks, then get frustrated a few weeks before race-day wishing you’d taken your training more seriously right from the start.
If you choose to transform your training, simply click the button below and I’ll be waiting for you on the inside!
Let’s do this!

Join now & make your running dreams a reality



are you READY TO start training to run the race of your dreams?



training programme

master marathoner


Running & Conditioning Programme(£297 Value)

Aligned Eating Programme(£247 Value)

Mental Strength Programme(£147 Value)

Weekly Group Coaching Calls (Value £47 each)

Private Members Only Facebook Community(Priceless!)

Pre-Training Bonus: New Runner QuickStart(£87 Value)

Pre-Training Bonus: Summer Training Programme(£97 Value)

CORE BONUS #1: QuickStart to Marathon Training Success (£99 Value)

CORE BONUS #1: Fabulous Fundraising Ideas(£50 Value)

CORE BONUS #3: Yoga for Runners(£99 Value)

VIP BONUS: Prepare to Train for Your Marathon Coaching(£75 Value)

Available for Purchase

Available for Purchase

VIP BONUS: Personalised Training Plan(£75 Value)

VIP BONUS: Eat Right and Run Meal Plan Programme(£247 Value)

Available for Purchase

VIP COACHING: Weekly Coaching Calls(£400 Value)

monthly membership

VIP coaching


£79 £52* [67*USD]



* discount expires midnight Sunday


Your Most Popular Questions, Answered:

Do you have a question you need to be answered before joining Marathon Club Hub?

Below is a list of the most common questions I’ve been asked about Marathon Club Hub. If for some odd reason you don’t see your question, just reach out to me Helen ( so I can assist you. Sound good?


What makes the Members of Marathon Club Hub Successful?

Marathon Club Hub was specifically created with the casual runner who has a dream to run a marathon in mind. What makes this programme so different from other running programmes and training plans can be broken down into 3 distinct reasons:
#1. BACK TO BASICS. There is nothing complicated, too ‘scientific or technical’ and there's no confusing jargon in Marathon Club Hub.  I want you to understand what to do, when and why, so everything is explained 'back to basics' and in a way that you can apply what you've learned to your running, training and other marathon prep easily.
#2. STEP BY STEP SYSTEM. You won’t have to waste time working out whether the runs or what I coach is relevant to you. I’ve included only the need to do essentials in our step-by-step marathon training system so you can save time and focus on running, training and preparing right for your race.
#3. ACCOUNTABILITY TO ACHIEVE. I will hold you accountable to keep on track with your training.  I'll be there to encourage, motivate and support you every step of the way.


Will I get access to everything when I join the programme? What is the start date?

You will have immediate access to the core Marathon Club Hub Training programme content as soon as you join us.
If you've joined us for training to run a spring 2024 marathon you'll join us for the Pre-Training Programme, then through the summer train with either our 10k PB Buster or Half Smasher programmes which focus on building up your running strength and running base, ahead of full-on marathon training starting later in the year.
Or, if you're running an autumn marathon you'll start following the Marathon Training Programme in June.  (If your marathon is in September or early November, you'll start the marathon running plan a little earlier or later, depending upon the date of the race you're entered).
To avoid 'overwhelm' I drip your workouts, runs, diet & nutrition advice and coaching to you each week.  
Each week through the Pre-Training Programme and then through your Marathon Training Programme I give you specific training runs and conditioning workouts to do, and explain the training runs you're doing that week.  I also give you diet & nutrition advice and changes to make each week so you're eating right to support your running and marathon training,  and you'll also get a module of coaching advice to review and an invite to our live coaching workshop each week.


I need someone to hold me accountable.  Do you provide that in Marathon Club Hub?

Yes! I know that some runners are much more motivated when they check in with someone else regularly.
When you join Marathon Club Hub you get access to our Marathon Club Hub Private Facebook Group. Everyone is encouraged to post about their runs and training regularly and I hold a weekly coaching call to help you keep on track with your training. Everyone in Marathon Club Hub is on the same journey as you and each runner can provide encouragement and perspective, and we can celebrate with you as you succeed along your training journey and after race-day itself.
If you're ever 'stuck' with your training please let me know.  I'm there as your coach to encourage you to train your best to run your best in your race, whether you need a 'carrot' or a 'stick' I'll be there to help you move forward.


What if I’m busy and don’t have time to follow an intensive training programme week after week?

You’re a busy runner, so I created this high-performance programme to be “focused, sharp and to the point”. You will have just 3 training runs to do each week plus conditioning work in the programme, rather than ‘a requirement’ of going out running for hours and hours every day.
Training and getting prepared for a marathon requires more than ‘just running’. As a busy runner you’re exactly the runner I created the programme for. I’ve done all the heavy lifting around the 3-Essentials for Marathon Training Success. Rather than you having to wade through articles and Internet posts, each week in our 30-minute coaching call (which is recorded, so you can catch up on replay after) I coach you in the critical ‘need to know’ essentials for your training. This won’t drain your time, this coaching will save you time!


I know how to run, I just haven’t been able to get the results I want in my previous races. Is this programme a right for me?

If you’re spinning your wheels and just can’t seem to stay consistent with your training, you’re not getting any fitter, faster or running distance isn’t getting any easier regardless of how much running you’re doing, Marathon Club Hub is for you.
Chances are you’re not running and using your time training efficiently or effectively to help you improve towards meeting your running goals. I don’t want you to give up on your running goals, that’s why I created this programme to not only give you the running and conditioning workouts to do but to coach you in how to run each of your running workouts right, so you’re getting fitter, faster and able to run for longer as your training progresses.
I will help you troubleshoot what’s not been working with your training so you can make changes to start seeing results.


How long is the Marathon-Training Programme?

The core Marathon Training Programme is 18 weeks long and will start in June to lead up to autumn marathon races.

To get the most out of your marathon training, before your training ramps up it’s essential that you’ve already build a good, strong running base, otherwise you could struggle with running and training for your marathon.  You could then be tempted to skip tough training runs because they’re challenging, take commitment, will push you outside of your comfort-zone and feel hard.
Getting started with your training now, building up your running confidence, fitness and strength with the Pre-Training Programme is the only way to be sure of giving your best to your training, to ensure you'll be able to run your best in your marathon and have a truly unforgettable day.


Does Marathon Club Hub include a personalised training plan?

No, there are plans and programmes for training to run 10k, half and marathon distances. However, I recognise each and every member of the club has a different goal and running background. At the start of each programme we’ll have a coaching call where I invite new members to set their training and race-day goals, offer advice on how to use the training plans in the programme and how to tailor the plans for different levels of experience or goal.
If you are interested in having me create a personalised running plan for you, there is an option to add this to your purchase after you join Marathon Club Hub and receive a £25% discount for this service.


Does Marathon Club Hub Include 1:1 coaching?

Inside Marathon Club Hub you’ll have access to me to ask any and every question you have about your unique marathon training journey.
All coaching is done via our group coaching calls and in our private Facebook group, you will not only be able to receive personalised coaching for your questions but will also receive incredible value from the questions and coaching of other members of the group.
Here’s the truth: you can only ask a question about what you know you don’t know. You can’t ask a question about what you don’t know you don’t know. That’s why being part of a group is so amazing!
However, I recognise that some runners want the personal touch, which is why this year I'm giving 5 lucky runners the opportunity to work with me 1:1 in my VIP Master Marathoner Coaching Programme.  Message me ( for more information around how this personalised coaching works, the transformation and results you can expect.


What if I want to join Marathon Club Hub and want 1:1 coaching?

I’ve created my Master Marathoner Programme just for you!  Master Marathoner is my VIP programme that allows you to get everything inside Marathon Club Hub PLUS you get me as your own private Marathon Club Hub coach. This option includes weekly email check-ins and fortnightly 1:1 coaching call, in addition to the Training and Group Coaching available inside Marathon Club Hub.
This is a limited offer and there are only 5 spots available (evening and Saturday spots sell out fast), so if private coaching is important to you, be sure to snag your spot before my Master Marathoner Programme sells out.
I accept VERY FEW private coaching clients because most of my time and energy is spent helping runners who join Marathon Club Hub group programme. If you are interested in private coaching with me send an email to to find out if you are a good fit.


Will I have access to the Facebook Group and the Marathon Club Hub forever?

Yes and no. You will have exclusive access to the Facebook Group, where we run challenges, you'll have Q&A’s, post for accountability and get coached in our weekly training topic and on your individual questions as long as you are a member of Marathon Club Hub.  If you join us for our Pre-Training Programme or for the Marathon Training Programme and decide you don't wish to train with us further after your race you'll leave the Facebook Group after this time.
If you decide you no longer wish to be a member of Marathon Club Hub, and cancel your membership you will no longer have access to our private Facebook Group and the Marathon Club Hub training and coaching materials.


For what type of person is this programme NOT going to work?

A type of person I won’t work with (without exception) is the whiner or the chronic sceptic, as well as individuals who continually make excuses. If you’re one of these people, I kindly and respectfully ask that you do not join and I hope you understand why. We probably won’t work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Fair enough?


Will it be worth it?

That depends on how much you are determined to achieve your amazing running goals and whether you follow the running and conditioning plans and take action on what you learn inside the programme.
How much would you pay to be certain you could achieve your life goal?
What’s it worth to finally be running down the finishing line of your first marathon and having much treasured ‘bling’ draped around your neck? Just how proud will you feel!
How much would you pay to prove your sceptics wrong? To finally have the confidence to do anything you desire because you have been able to do ‘the impossible for you’, to do something that very few people like you have ever done in their life?


I’m already a runner, I’ve run halves and a marathon before. Is Marathon Club Hub right for me?

I know some of the plans inside Marathon Club Hub makes it sound like it’s only a programme for beginner runners or first-time marathoners, but that’s not the case.
Yes, I coach completely new runners to get started running, but that’s a very small part of the programme.
If you haven’t been able to get the results you want yet, that’s likely because you’ve not been training optimally. I coach you to run each of your running workouts right, in doing conditioning exercises to build your body strong and in my 3-Essentials for Marathon Training Success that will help you get trained, ready and prepare to run your marathon.
Regardless of your current running experience and expertise, if you have a goal that you haven’t been able to reach yet, the training, the coaching, the content and community in Marathon Club Hub is a great fit for you.


How involved are you as the programme leader?

I am a hands-on coach inside Marathon Club Hub. In addition to delivering all the programme material to you, I host a group coaching call each week where you can get coached LIVE and I give daily support and coaching in the Marathon Club Hub Facebook Group.


Can I DM or email you if I need more help?

No, I do all my coaching and question answering on our calls and in the Facebook Group. This allows all Marathon Club Hub members to receive value from the coaching and responses I give to questions.


Can you guarantee I’ll be able to run a marathon or achieve a certain time in my race?

My role is to support and assist you in reaching your goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through.  I can't do your long runs, burpees and planks for you!
I know if you take action and follow the steps I outline inside Marathon Club Hub, your success is inevitable.



© WENTWORTH WELLNESS 2021. All Rights Reserved.